Proposed Housing Development at Mardyke Street, Skibbereen, Co. Cork - Part 8 Planning Cork County Council

Closing Date: 4pm, Monday 10th March 2025

Cork County Council, in partnership with Skibbereen Geriatric Society, has initiated a Part 8 planning process for a housing development at Mardyke Street, Skibbereen (Coronea townland). The proposed development comprises 8 one-bedroom apartment units, complete with landscaped communal areas, 3 visitor parking spaces, soft landscaping with green spaces and trees, connections to public utilities, and associated site works.

The plans and particulars can be viewed by appointment at the Housing Directorate, Cork County Council (Floor 4, County Hall) and the Area Engineer's Office, Court House, Skibbereen. Appointments can be made by calling (021) 4285889 or (021) 4285857 or emailing Documents can also be posted or emailed upon written request to the Housing Directorate. The viewing period runs from Friday 24th January to Monday 24th February 2025.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening has determined there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment from the proposed development. The public may apply to An Bord Pleanála within 4 weeks for a screening determination regarding environmental effects.

Submissions can be made online using the 'Make a Submission or Observation' button or in writing to the Director of Services, Housing Directorate, Floor 4, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road. The council encourages feedback from local residents and stakeholders on this proposed housing development.

The Public Consultation Institute of Ireland (PCII) is committed to engaging citizens and empowering communities through the use of emerging technologies, which are transforming how the Government and citizens communicate and interact. PCII's mission is to bring more people into the public participatory process. Not only will this expand informed public engagement, early studies suggest that it is likely to enhance the diversity and quality of participation. View a list of public consultations currently open at


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