Draft Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No.3) Regulations 2022
Original published at gov.ie - Public Consultation on the Draft Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the Draft Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022- Solar Exemptions (www.gov.ie)
Peter Burke, T.D., Minister of State for Local Government and Planning has published the Draft Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the Draft Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022 for public consultation.
The Department has concluded a review of the solar panel planning exemptions set out in the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (the Principal Regulations), with a particular focus on facilitating increased self-generation of electricity.
Draft regulations have now been prepared which propose the removal of the rooftop square metre based limits which currently apply in the Principal Regulations, and to instead allow more extensive coverage, subject to certain conditions as well as restrictions in certain areas.
In light of the potential threat to aviation safety arising from increased solar development, 43 solar safeguarding zones have been identified within which a rooftop square metre will continue to apply to all classes of development other than houses. Solar installations covering the entire roof of houses in all parts of the country, including those within solar safeguarding zones, are proposed to be exempted under these draft regulations subject to conditions requiring the installation to be a minimum distance from the edge of the roof. Notwithstanding the introduction of solar safeguarding zones for all classes of development other than houses, the rooftop square metre limit within these areas has been increased to 60sqm. It is open to anyone seeking to avail of larger rooftop solar installations within solar safeguarding zones to apply for planning permission.
Have your say
Written submissions on the proposed regulations or the Environmental Report prepared as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process can be made by email, preferably in ‘word’ format, to SolarSEA@housing.gov.ie .
Alternatively, responses can be posted to:
Solar SEA Submissions
Planning Policy and Legislation Section
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Custom House
Dublin 1
D01 W6X0.
The closing date for the receipt of submissions is no later than 5:00 p.m. on 13 July 2022
Further information and documents available at gov.ie - Public Consultation on the Draft Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 3) Regulations 2022 and the Draft Planning and Development (Solar Safeguarding Zone) Regulations 2022- Solar Exemptions (www.gov.ie)
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